A Holiday Survival Guide For Those With Braces
Holiday treats are tempting, but some of them are off-limits when you have braces. Extra sugar and stickiness can linger on your braces and cause decay. And certain hard or sticky foods can damage wires and brackets. These foods include…
- candy canes (including candy canes in peppermint bark!)
- peanut brittle
- caramels
- hard nuts (in pecan pies, etc.)
- hard cookies
Look for softer holiday treats like soft sugar cookies, pumpkin pie, or fudge. Try to remember to brush afterwards but if that is not possible a good rinse with water will also help until you can get home to give your teeth a good brushing.
Brushing Correctly Helps Keep Your Teeth Healthy
Brushing around braces or a retainer can be annoying. However, it’s important to brush correctly because brushing will help keep your teeth healthy. Here are a few tips to help you step up your brushing game:
- Take time on each individual tooth. Pay careful attention to the areas where your braces touch your teeth.
- Brush at an angle. This allows your toothbrush to reach the space between teeth and braces.
- Be prepared. Keep a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss with you in your backpack or purse.
We Want to Wish You Happy Holidays!